All posts by disphoria

Dental Emergency

Call 01458 832215 today to secure your appointment!

You do not have to be registered with us to use our emergency dental service.

At Abbey Dental Health Centre,  we prioritise patients who have any form of dental emergency and aim to see you as soon as conveniently possible! You do not have to be registered with us to use emergency dental service.

If you have a dental emergency, we realise this can be a very stressful and painful time for you and we recommend you call us as soon as possible so we can arrange for our head dentist to see you as a priority and gently put you at ease.

We can help with a range of dental emergencies.  We can investigate the source of your discomfort and carry out any necessary treatment.

A dental emergency is any problem you have associated with your teeth and/or gums including:

Toothache: if you have toothache there is likely to be something wrong with your tooth requiring immediate attention. We recommend you contact us immediately and take painkillers if required in the meantime such as Ibuprofen (for non-asthmatics) or Paracetamol. Never exceed the dose.

Chipped or Broken Teeth: A fractured or damaged tooth can be alarming but try not to panic as options are usually available to restore the tooth. If the area is painful avoid hot/cold food and drinks and try eating on the other side to relieve pressure on the damaged tooth. Painkillers such as Ibuprofen (for non-asthmatics) and Paracetamol might help. Pain free treatment is usually available by contacting us as soon as possible.

Painful Gums Swelling: Swellings is caused by infection, contact us immediately to receive treatment or antibiotics.

Lost Crown, Veneer and Bridge: Keep your crown safely so it can be recemented as soon as possible. This avoids further damage to the tooth. Call us as soon as possible to make a convenient appointment.

Broken Dentures: Dentures can be fixed on occasion. Make an early appointment for an assessment.

Knocked out tooth: If you have had a tooth knocked out please try not to handle the tooth as this can damage the root. Try to hold it by the crown only if possible. If you are comfortable to reposition the tooth do so, if not, place the tooth in milk or saline and contact us as soon as possible.

Remember for any dental emergency call us immediately to arrange a convenient appointment as soon as possible on 01458 832215 during the practice opening hours.

For Out of Hours Dental Emergencies, Please call the practice on 01458 832215 and follow the instructions on our answering machine.


You may have heard about the new ‘invisible brace’ and wondered what it is all about. If you have teeth that are crowded, too far apart or have shifted since wearing conventional braces, invisalign® at STM may give you a new reason to smile!

Because it is nearly invisible almost no one can tell you are wearing invisalign®, so you can smile more during as well as after your treatment. You can remove invisalign® so you can eat and drink what you like, and studies have shown that it can be better for your dental hygiene during treatment. With no metal or sharp edges, invisalign® is comfortable to wear and does not cause allergies.

The convenience and ease of use have made it the choice of over half a million people, giving hundreds of thousands of people amazing new smiles.

How does it work ?

Using the latest advances in 3-D computer technology, invisalign® uses your dentist’s instructions to create a series of custom made removable mouth trays (aligners). These aligners apply a controlled amount of force to your teeth, causing them to move. Each aligner is slightly different, moving your teeth gradually into the desired position.

How long will Invisalign® take ?

  • Invisalign® only works while you wear the aligners. We recommend they are worn full time day and night (min 22–24 hours).
  • Each aligner is worn for 2 weeks, (before moving onto the next in the series), moving your teeth millimetre by millimetre, week by week, until you reach your desired result.
  • Treatment length will vary depending on your case, but the average invisalign® treatment is nine to eighteen months.
  • During treatment you should visit us periodically at STM, until it is determined that your treatment is complete.
  • Once active treatment is complete, there may be some fine tuning to create that perfect smile.


Root canal treatment aims to remove all infection and debris from the infected tooth. It is a skilled and time consuming procedure that can requires two or more visits.

Root canal treatment consists of the following stages:

  • Removing the remains of the infected pulp and, if an abscess is present, allowing it to drain.
  • Cleaning and shaping of the root canals ready for filling
  • Checking the tooth to ensure that the infection is cleared and if so, filling the canal/s permanently.
  • Restoring the tooth with a permanent restoration.

Facial Aesthetics

Anti-Ageing treatments

As your skin ages, it loses the collagen that helps shape and support it. Natural lines and wrinkles deepen. Sun exposure, smoking, air pollution and even stress can all age your appearance. Laughing, smiling, frowning and lifestyle factors all contribute to the development of facial lines and wrinkles. The face can also begin to lose volume giving sunken cheeks and a ‘dragged down’ appearance.

At Abbey Dental Health Centre, we offer a range of treatments and skin rejuvenation products. We offer Dermal Fillers which are completely natural substances to enhance your facial aesthetics. Whether you are looking for fuller lips, defined facial contours, softened facial lines, dermal fillers such as Restylane® offer you the flexibility to bring out the best in yourself. They can be used in conjunction with other skin rejuvenation products and with Botox® treatments. Botox® injections are non-invasive and most often used to smooth away forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet and laughter lines The effects can last up to 3 to 4 months. It’s important to understand that Botox® is a prescription only medicine and its suitability for you is subject to consultation.

Our facial aesthetic treatments include:

  • Restalyne
  • Juvederm
  • Botox

Cosmetic Dentistry

Today, how you look is more a matter of choice than genes and it is no different when considering your choice of smile.

Abbey Dental Health Centre – GlastonburyWe all want healthy teeth and gums, fresh breath and the confidence and comfort to choose whatever we would like to eat. But we also want to smile freely, with poise and the assurance that our smile does what it is meant to do: to present and represent us; to be an attractive and welcoming feature.

Very often our patients indicate that they would like to improve the appearance of their smile. They may feel that their teeth are discoloured or stained, that their smile is too “gummy”, or they may even just wish they could start all over again with a great new smile.

Cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry can help with all of these problems.  Sometimes patients only need a relatively simple and affordable treatment, at other times they may opt for a complete smile makeover, where we use a number of treatments together to provide them with the smile they have always wanted.

A smile that perfectly suits your face and makes you look youthful, happy and confident. Who would think that going to the dentist could get your friends and family asking why you look so great? We offer a range of treatments geared specifically towards perfecting and boosting the beautiful smiles of our patients.

We know that a beautiful smile can really boost someone’s self esteem but are passionate about our approach which ensures a smile looks natural, rather than artificial. We ensure that porcelain veneers or crowns match the patient’s natural colour and are bespoke to their smile. From dealing with crooked teeth, providing veneers, crowns or teeth whitening, contact us to discuss your specific needs.

Our cosmetic and aesthetic treatments include:

  • White cosmetic fillings
  • Veneers
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Tooth whitening
  • Orthodontic treatment
  • Plastic periodontal surgery
  • Dental Implants
  • Dentures

Teeth Whitening

We offer a highly professional teeth-whitening service, which is tailored to the individual and will ensure safe treatment and impressive results. Tooth whitening is a minimally invasive, safe and rewarding aesthetic solution for people displaying tooth discolouration.

An initial £50 consultation (redeemable against cost of whitening) assesses tooth discolouration type and degree as well as general dental health. We will guide you through the latest procedures in whitening, discuss your preferences, lifestyle factors, timing and any previous experiences before recommending your tailored whitening treatment plan.

We can help you whiten your teeth in several ways:

  1. Professional Tooth cleaning is often sufficient for removing most external stains. This is usually the first step in the process and our experienced hygienists will ensure you have a comfortable, thorough cleaning session and can recommend a home care regime to get the most out of your whitening procedure.
  2. Home Whitening Using custom fabricated whitening trays, we will design a protocol for you to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home with a range of different strength whitening gels for different lengths of time to minimise sensitivity and maximise results. Most individuals achieve their desired result within 3-4 weeks and you have control of your end result.
  3. In-chair Whitening with additional Nano-Hydroxyapatite treatment (Bio-Bleaching)

The development of dental products incorporating Nano-Hydroxyapatite to remineralise enamel and strengthen tooth structure is one of the most exciting recent developments in dentistry.

Abbey Dental Health Centre – GlastonburyAt Abbey Dental Health, we use a two-part whitening solution combining an active oxygen foam infused with Nano-Hydroxyapatite that is able to adhere to the tooth surface. The active foam repairs enamel and delivers 6% hydrogen peroxide to the teeth.  The results are a whiter brighter smile and a stronger, smoother tooth surface less likely to stain in the future. Concentrated Nano-Hydroxyapatite serum is then applied to the teeth, which remineralises and repairs the tooth surface, leaving the individual with a healthy white smile, no sensitivity or damage to the enamel.

Even patients who generally suffer from sensitive teeth will find that their sensitivity is greatly reduced after treatment.

There is no health risk to the patient, weakening or other damage to tooth enamel, with properly supervised professional tooth whitening.


Whitening is a process where the tooth discolouration is ‘whitened’ to a lighter shade. It removes the staining agent through chemical means. It is a safe procedure when carried out under professional supervision. Treatment results usually depend on the severity of the discolouration. Both vital (i.e. live) and non-vital teeth (e.g. tooth with root removed) can be bleached and may take several visits to complete. It is not effective on dental restorations such as amalgam fillings, metal or porcelain crowns, etc.

Teeth can discolour for various reasons. The dentist will recommend the most ideal method based on your oral condition after an in-office examination to establish the cause and nature of your tooth discolouration, as well as provide you with more information on the various types of whitening procedures available, duration & frequency of treatment.

Home whitening

Our home whitening kit comes with custom made trays for accuracy and comfort of application. Gel is placed in the trays which are then worn for up to an hour a day.

Our specially designed trays are particularly effective at holding the whitening gel exactly where it needs to be to achieve the very best whitening results possible whilst preventing gel from leaking into the mouth. Excellent results are usually achieved in about 2 weeks. We supply plenty of gel to complete treatment and to maintain the results for months to come. Further gel can be supplied as required.

Zoom In-Chair Whitening

Philips has now released a newly formulated Zoom in-chair whitening that meets the new EU regulations on tooth whitening. This new gel gives excellent results and benefits from reduced sensitivity over the previous formulation. Best results are achieved in one appointment with 5 x 15 minute in-chair applications, using the Zoom power light to activate the gel. Then we recommend boosting and maintaining the result with our home whitening kit that is included in the price!


Early gum disease is very common.  Usually it can be kept under control by regular hygienist treatments and by a good daily oral healthcare routine.  However, if left untreated, it can progress to become periodontal disease, which slowly destroys the gum tissue and bone which holds your teeth in place. Eventually your teeth can become loose and may fall out or need extracting.  As well as providing preventative services we offer treatment to bring the disease back under control and to help save your teeth from falling out.

Periodontal treatment includes:

  • Treatment of Gingivitis (inflamed or bleeding gums)
  • Treatment of periodontal disease (disease affecting gum tissue and underlying bone)
  • Gum disease treatment around implants – Peri-implantitis
  • Correction of uneven gum line (crown lengthening)
  • Cosmetic gum graft to correct gum shrinkage
  • Treatment of bad breath (halitosis)
  • Dental Implant Treatment

There are many forms of periodontal disease often resulting from bacterial build-up on the teeth and gums. Over time and if untreated, this can lead to inflammation of the gums and degradation of the bone surrounding the teeth and eventually premature loss of teeth. More regular visits to the hygienist are often associated with periodontic treatment and we have a team of hygienists at Abbey Dental Health.


Missing teeth can cause a range of problems, from cosmetic stigma associated with a gap in your smile, drifting and movement of adjacent teeth to speech problems. Luckily, implants are now relatively easy and can look indistinguishable from your real teeth, provided you have them installed by a skilled practice like Nordea. We implant teeth within the bone, making them structurally identical to their natural counterparts. This can protect your bone, maintain tooth alignment and avoid facial changes.

What are implants?

Dental implants are highly realistic, permanent replacement for one or more missing teeth.  They look and feel very natural and enable you to eat and speak with confidence as well as improving the way your smile looks.

The implant itself is a small titanium rod which is precisely set into your jawbone.  Over time the bone and implant bond together forming a strong and permanent base very much like a false tooth root.

Implants can have crowns or bridges fitted on top, replacing one or more missing teeth.  Patients with many missing teeth can be fitted with special dentures, held firmly in place by implants, thus making it much easier to eat and speak without embarrassment.

At Abbey Dental Health Centre, we offer guided implant surgery. This involves taking a CT scan of your jaw area so we can ensure that before surgery you have sufficient bone tissue for an implant and can plan the implant placement with pinpoint accuracy. Where there is inadequate bone tissue we apply the treatment to regenerate the missing bone tissue using a variety of techniques (including bone grafting from other sites) when necessary.

Dental Implant services we offer include:

  • Implant placement
  • Prosthodontic restoration: Crown, bridge or denture
  • Bone regeneration
  • Bone grafting

If you decide to go ahead, this is what will happen.

  • Implants are put into holes in the jaw with a local anaesthetic. You can opt to have sedation for this procedure also.
  • The implant is screwed or pushed in and the gum is stitched so that it heals over the implant
  • Under the gum. the bone then grows round the implant to hold it firm. This takes a few months.

General Dentistry

Diagnosis & Routine Care

At Abbey Dental Health Centre, we believe that caring for your teeth and gums is one of the most important factors in promoting good health. Our goal is to help you maintain and improve your oral health. 

To achieve optimum oral health, each consultation appointment will include: thorough examination of your teeth, gums, bone, jaw joints and soft tissue. By inspecting the soft tissue your dentist is looking for any abnormalities, halitosis (bad breath) signs of periodontal disease or mouth cancer. While inspecting your hard tissue (teeth) your dentist will be checking for decay, bite anomalies, seeing  how your teeth can be improved functionally as well as how your smile can be enhanced aesthetically.

The old adage ‘prevention is better than cure’ is never more applicable  than in dentistry. That is why we recommend regular dental check-ups and hygiene visits which could be anything between 3-12 months depending upon your needs. Your dentist will recommend the most suitable interval for your next check-up.

The diagnosis and routine treatments we offer include:

  • Initial Consultation
  • Routine Check-up
  • Hygiene Treatments
Dental Hygiene 

Dental hygiene therapy plays a vital role in helping to keep your teeth and gums healthy by avoiding gum disease or by keeping this under tight control.  Gum disease is extremely common and is caused by plaque which is a constantly-forming sticky film of bacteria.  Initial symptoms of gum disease include sore or bleeding gums and bad breath.  If left untreated, it can eventually lead to tooth loss.

Our periodontal services include:

  • Preventive dental disease
  • Scaling and teeth polishing
  • Periodontal treatment
  • Teeth whitening
  • Maintenance of the mouth following treatment
  • Elements of paediatric dentistry: white fillings and fissure sealants

Current COVID and infection control measures at Abbey Dental Health Centre: July 2023

It is always our top priority to keep our patients and dental team safe and we are proud to say that our cross infection policies and procedures have always been of the highest standard.

Current COVID and infection control measures:

  • Patients are no longer required to wear masks, however if you wish to we will support your wishes.
  • Please do not attend appointment times too early. We prefer patients to arrive within 5 minutes of their appointment time.
  • We continue to wear full PPE in surgeries and respect everyone’s personal space throughout the practice.

To ensure that we practice safely we have reviewed and updated relevant parts of our operating procedures. Some changes we have made involve long-term financial investments in new equipment such as upgraded air ventilation systems in the surgeries.

Our dental team is confident and ready to do what we do best, provide excellent and safe dental care to our patients. You can find out more about the extra safety measures we have introduced and what to expect next time you visit us by looking at our short video below: